2024 AAGC Educator Grant Application 

 Do you have a great idea to implement in your gifted classroom? If so, check out this information on how to apply for an AAGC Educator Grant for Alabama gifted classrooms. 


The purpose of the educator grant is to support and encourage Alabama educators of gifted students in the development of innovative ideas and quality programs to enrich the education of gifted students. The grant rewards educators with the money to acquire materials appropriately designed for gifted children. The grant also creates awareness and the importance of exemplary Alabama gifted programs. Grant recipients are expected to write and submit a final report on the outcomes of their grant project at the end of the school year with the grant evaluation form. Grant recipients are also expected to either present during the following year's AAGC Conference or to submit an article for the AAGC newsletter. 


Alabama educators who are AAGC members in good standing with the organization and who teach Alabama gifted students may apply for a grant. 


April 1, 2024 - Grant Application Window Opens 

September 6, 2024 - Grant Application Window Closes 

October 1, 2024 - Teachers are notified if they have received the grant 

Click here for instructions and application explanation

Click here for the application form

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